Brand Stencils

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Logos of popular (and un-popular) brands. From fashion to food and beverage to electronics and Internet, you'll find the world's most powerful corporations represented here.

A good logo is a vital element of a brand's identity and serves as a visual representation of the organization or product. It's simple, memorable, and relevant to the consumer. It's versatile so that it can be reused and repurposed in many settings without altering the meaning. It has balance and proportion, and is appropriate to the product, business or idea that it represents.

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We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 3 minutes.

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Tip #19:
Larger than mat
Your Cricut or Silhouette or Brother craft cutter probably cuts up to 12 inches on a side. But that doesn't stop you from stenciling larger images with ease. Download any image from Bay Stencil as a multi-panel stencil by specifying the size of your stencil media and the desired size of the image. Bay Stencil breaks up the image into panels for you so that you can cut and paint larger than your cutting mat.