Two-layer furniture stencil of a classic Celtic knot with two axes of symmetry. Vaguely waffle pattern is fun and easy to paint.
Choose size to see price:
Stenciled image is (w) x
(h) inches.
Oops! The smallest halftone stencil is 10 x 13 inches and the largest is 22 x 33 inches.
$PRICE + shipping
Using the Stencils
Cut out and paint your 4-layer CMYK stencil
of Celtic Knot Round Corners on a craft or laser cutter.
Download the cut files to cut
this stencil of Celtic Knot Round Corners
yourself. Or upload your own image to turn it into a stencil.
Upload Photo
Cut it Yourself
Download SVG files to cut any stencil variant.
Your custom halftone download
To customize your download, open each drawer to edit.
CMYK Halftone example (80 lines)
Color model: CMYK
Color model:
Bridging: normal
Resolution: 80normal lines in image
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Tip #20:
Less is more
You might think that, the more color layers a stencil has, the better. But often less is more. Portraits of faces work great with three layers: dark, mid-tone and light. They're easier to cut and paint, and they're usually more elegant and pleasing to look at. Our advice: shoot for three layers, and add layers as needed.