Christmas Wreath Halftone Stencil

Wreaths made from fresh fir branches, pine cones, berries and bows help to celebrate the holidays. Colors are red and green. Adding brown for the pine cones is possible, but this one has just three layers to paint (dark green, light green and red) so it's Categories: christmas    

Choose size to see price:


Stenciled image is (w) x (h) inches.

$ PRICE + shipping

Using the Stencils

Cut out and paint your 4-layer CMYK stencil of Christmas Wreath on a craft or laser cutter. Download the cut files to cut this stencil of Christmas Wreath yourself. Or upload your own image to turn it into a stencil.

Upload Photo

your image
Choose Image

Use the blue handles to crop as closely as you can.

We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 3 minutes.

By uploading, you agree to the terms and conditions.

Cut it Yourself

Download SVG files to cut any stencil variant.


Tip #16:
Repeating stencils for wall and floor
Did you ever want to cover the wall of a room with tractors? I did. Stencils are a great way of reproducing a wallpaper effect, but with your custom image. Use MidJourney's 'tile' option to create endless variations of repeating patterns. Choose the one you like best, and Bay Stencil turns it into a cuttable, paintable SVG stencil.