Elvis Halftone Stencil

Born in Tupelo, Mississippi, Presley appropriated and popularized Black American music in spite of initial rejection from conservative forces. First known for a cover of Arthur Crudup's 'That's All Right', recorded in 1946. Categories: celebrities    

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Stenciled image is (w) x (h) inches.

$ PRICE + shipping

Using the Stencils

Cut out and paint your 4-layer CMYK stencil of Elvis on a craft or laser cutter. Download the cut files to cut this stencil of Elvis yourself. Or upload your own image to turn it into a stencil.

Upload Photo

your image
Choose Image

Use the blue handles to crop as closely as you can.

We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 2 minutes.

By uploading, you agree to the terms and conditions.

Cut it Yourself

Download SVG files to cut any stencil variant.


Tip #8:
Surrender the flash
Capture the best image you can with available light. Using an ordinary flash will flatten your image and eliminate the sideways shadows that help your eye recognize the features of a prominent object (like your dad's nose).