James Baldwin Halftone Stencil

American writer and social critic, explored racial, sexual, and class distinctions in Western society. Works include "Go Tell It on the Mountain," "Giovanni's Room," and "The Fire Next Time". Powerful perspective on the civil rights movement and the human Categories: artists    

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Stenciled image is (w) x (h) inches.

$ PRICE + shipping

Using the Stencils

Cut out and paint your 4-layer CMYK stencil of James Baldwin on a craft or laser cutter. Download the cut files to cut this stencil of James Baldwin yourself. Or upload your own image to turn it into a stencil.

Upload Photo

your image
Choose Image

Use the blue handles to crop as closely as you can.

We'll send your stencilized image to this email in about 3 minutes.

By uploading, you agree to the terms and conditions.

Cut it Yourself

Download SVG files to cut any stencil variant.



Missing something? Check your email for links.

Tip #17:
Powdered sugar on a cake
Special occasion? Turn a chocolate sheet cake into a masterpiece of self-expression. Any two-tone stencil works, just use the lighter layer and sprinkle powdered sugar through the stencil onto the moist surface of the cake and wait for it to stick.