Stencils for Sports Teams

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Logos and insignias from popular sports teams from all over: basketball, soccer, football, baseball are big favorites.

Sports team stencils are a great way to show your devotion and fanhood for your favorite sports team. While tailgating, you can chalk your stencil right down on the parking lot. Or make a more permanent mark on your driveway, or garage wall. Wherever you can grill, you can put the logo of your team. Be *that* guy!

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Tip #20:
Less is more
You might think that, the more color layers a stencil has, the better. But often less is more. Portraits of faces work great with three layers: dark, mid-tone and light. They're easier to cut and paint, and they're usually more elegant and pleasing to look at. Our advice: shoot for three layers, and add layers as needed.
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