Brand Stencils

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Logos of popular (and un-popular) brands. From fashion to food and beverage to electronics and Internet, you'll find the world's most powerful corporations represented here.

A good logo is a vital element of a brand's identity and serves as a visual representation of the organization or product. It's simple, memorable, and relevant to the consumer. It's versatile so that it can be reused and repurposed in many settings without altering the meaning. It has balance and proportion, and is appropriate to the product, business or idea that it represents.

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Tip #14:
Get creative with an AI assist
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. Tools like MidJourney can help you take your idea and turn it into stencil-ready art very quickly. Guide the AI with the right prompts to get a limited-color image isolated on a background of your choice, and you'll have no trouble generating SVGs with Bay Stencil.
All tips