Americana Stencils

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Distinctively American images in multi-layer stencil form. Classic cars, 'Founding Fathers', and artistic and technological achievements of the strangest democracy on earth.

"Americana" is a term used to describe a genre of art, music, literature, and cultural artifacts that evoke a nostalgic or sentimental depiction of American life, history, and culture. It is often associated with the traditions and imagery of the United States, particularly from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Americana celebrates the diversity, heritage, and folklore of American society.

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Tip #19:
Larger than mat
Your Cricut or Silhouette or Brother craft cutter probably cuts up to 12 inches on a side. But that doesn't stop you from stenciling larger images with ease. Download any image from Bay Stencil as a multi-panel stencil by specifying the size of your stencil media and the desired size of the image. Bay Stencil breaks up the image into panels for you so that you can cut and paint larger than your cutting mat.
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